Monday, July 9, 2012

Sleeve Tattoo Designs

Sleeve tattoos as the name suggests are inked on the areas above the hand. It may be full sleeves, half sleeves or quarter sleeves providing a range of length types. A full length sleeve tattoo starts from the shoulder to the wrist.
People have admitted that tattooing is a kind of addiction just like other addictive pleasures. Some people start inking a small area and gradually expand their artwork patch into other areas on their bodies. It is said that tattooing results in some kind of therapy which is induced while the needles are being pricked.
The tattooing process can be undertaken in two ways i.e. deliberate and unintentional. In the former the process of tattooing is pre-planned. The design or a mural story is defined which requires a process of extensive thought with the artist, the entire design process is better if shared.
Therefore, when you plan to get your own sleeve tattoo created, a certain theme or pattern must be followed. There are various forms of sleeve tattoos. To begin with a flame sleeve is one whose inception is at the wrist and it should gradually precede up the arm flaring as it does.

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